The combination of space art and digital technology deeply restores the past, presents the wonderful present, and interprets the bright future
Exhibition hall design planning construction
Enterprise exhibition hall design, planning museum design, museum design, red culture exhibition hall design, science education exhibition hall design, memorial hall, big data exhibition hall design, smart exhibition hall design, intelligent exhibition hall design。Provide one-stop services such as overall creative planning, space design, multimedia interactive display design, digital content production, interactive software program development, construction and after-sales!
Exhibition hall service
Enterprise exhibition hallBig data exhibition hallPlanning exhibition hallThe Education Science MuseumMemorial hallmuseumIntelligent technology exhibition hallRed Culture Exhibition Hall
Project case
Digital showroom information
The role of exhibition hall intelligent central control system
The exhibition hall central control system, also known as the exhibition hall intelligent central control system, refers to a set of systems for centralized control of various equipment such as sound, light and electricity. People no longer need a physical button to control and use these multimedia equipment such as sound, light and electricity.
>>查看更多Urban planning exhibition hall design solutions
The Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, referred to as the Urban Planning Hall, serves as an important position for publicity and education, showing the vicissitudes of urban construction and the results and overall trend of urban development in an all-round and multi-angle manner。
>>查看更多Marketing enterprise showroom solutions
Marketing enterprise exhibition hall design planning scheme
>>查看更多Chongqing high-tech enterprises according to your needs and industry attributes, to provide you with accurate solutions Online consultation
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